17th National Photovoltaic Conference 2019

26. – 27. March 2019, Kursaal Bern

The annual National Photovoltaic Conference is the foremost event of the Swiss solar power industry. NET Nowak Energy & Technology Ltd., together with Nova Energie and Swissolar, organize this important conference.

This year’s edition of the 17th National Photovoltaic Conference took place on 26 and 27 March 2019, in Bern, Switzerland.

Thanks to the Energy Strategy 2050, a growing market can be expected, but the framework conditions remain demanding. This year's conference offered the opportunity to look back on the Energy Strategy 2050’s initial experience. New modifications in the general conditions are expected with the planned revision of the Federal Electricity Supply Act (Stromversorgungsgesetz, StromVG), as well as the Energy Regulation (Energieverordnung, EnV) and the Energy Promotion Ordinance (Energieförderungsverordnung, EnFV). The conference provided guidance and recommendations in this very dynamic environment.

However, there is also great transition going on in the technical sector, such as the interaction between photovoltaic and electromobility. It becomes increasingly clear that the vast challenges of climate and energy policies can only be managed by massive PV development. Renowned national and international speakers at the Conference showed how this can happen.

Further information available under the "Swiss Photovoltaic Conference“ Project


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