Swiss Photovoltaics Research Programme SFOE

Management of the Swiss Photovoltaics Research Programme SFOE

NET Nowak Energy & Technology Ltd. managed the Swiss Photovoltaics Research Programme for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) as a strategic project for several years, until end 2018. This activity was carried out in close collaboration with the Swiss Federal Office of Energy and included, in particular, the formulation of research objectives and detailed concepts, application evaluation, contract design, reporting, substantive and administrative controlling, as well as the results’ implementation, to information and communication. A comprehensive approach was pursued, which involved all the major Swiss funding agencies. The project contributed significantly to the development and competence of NET Nowak Energy & Technology Ltd., both in terms of its content and expertise in scientific and technological aspects of photovoltaics and in terms of the national and international management of such programmes.


Swiss Federal Office of Energy’s Photovoltaics Research Programme

Swiss Photovoltaics: Research & Technology