Prof. em. Arvind Shah, founder of the Photovoltaics-Laboratory (PV-Lab) at the Institute of Microtechnology (IMT-EPFL) in Neuchâtel, and the first Swiss winner of the European Becquerel Prize (2007), published the book "Solar Cells and Modules" in summer 2020 with Springer Verlag. In addition to various Swiss co-authors, Stefan Nowak has also written a chapter in the book.
The book provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of solar cells and modules. It covers a wide range of topics contained in thirteen chapters and describes in detail both the mode of operation, the manufacturing process and the associated module performance, as well as going into the latest developments and applications in this sector. It presents the main theoretical and practical concepts in an easily understandable way and discusses the current challenges in research and technology.
Chapter 13 Photovoltaics in the Future Energy System, written by Stefan Nowak, describes how the PV market can grow considerably over time and become an important part of the future energy system. Expected developments in terms of volumes, applications and costs are discussed, including their relationship to the regulatory framework. In addition, relevant issues such as sustainability and energy system integration are addressed.
The book or individual chapters can be ordered via this link.